[July 28, 2016]

Thursday morning I awoke to some storms passing through the area. My plan was to make it to Flemming field in Minnesota (KSGS), however, the weather from Oshkosh to Flemming wasn't looking so good. MVFR and IFR the direct route. The forecast looked better if I left mid-day to head south near the WI/IL/IA border, then north towards MSP. I had some time to kill in the morning, so I took in the last sights of Oshkosh. I've known Painless forever, but this is the first time I've seen his RV-6. I also attended a seminar on Slick Magnetos put on by Champion which was excellent. The speaker was simply outstanding.

I packed up the campsite and took off into the MVFR skies of WI.

The deck was pretty low today. I needed to make a few U-turns to maintain VFR. Dare I say I felt like Vlad for a few minutes??

As you can see my route is nowhere near direct, but it's the safe way to make it to MSP.

This was one of the few sights of clear skies I saw along the route.

ADS-B really does paint a realistic picture of the weather and conditions. I couldn't imagine making this trip without onboard weather.

I said it before, and I'll say it again...these GRT EFIS's still amaze me!

Crossing the Wisconsin River.

And shortly afterward, crossing the mighty Mississippi river.

I ran into some more light rain along the way.

My fuel was getting low, and it had been a tough 2.1 hours fighting MVFR conditions, so I landed at KFKA for some fuel and a little rest.

The weather was getting cooler as I neared Minneapolis - 65 degrees at 2300'.

Safely on the ground under blue skies at Flemming field! A direct route was just about 1.3 hours, but it took 2.7 to get here while I avoided the muck in the skies.

Wipaire had a dominant presence at Flemming Field. This looks like a Grumman Goose under restoration.

A 182 getting fitting for floats.

Also a Cessna 208 getting her bathing suite.

802 Air Tractor's being converted into Fire Boss's.

My college friend Josh picked me up and we went out on the town for a few libations, good food and great conversation. It's great to use the RV to connect with friends from around the midwest after Oshkosh!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024