[June 19, 2016]

The weather for Fathers Day this year was damn near perfect. I got my dad on the line and told him on Sunday we were heading up the Block Island for the day. When I was young, both of us went to Block Island on my aunts sailboat. Since then both of us have been back there many times, but never together. We have independently toured most of the island, so I didn't think there was much new to do. We started with the first thing neither of us have done on Block - rented scooters.

We toured past some of the island bars where both of us shared stories of remembering showing up, but not leaving!

Neither of us had ever walked out to the most northern tip of the island - it turned out to be fantastic. Great views of the north shore of the entire island and wonderful beaches.

A "natural" accumulation of drift wood.

Dinghy beach on the Great Salt Pond.


On the way back we flew relatively low along the shore of Connecticut.

We flew the Hudson River VFR corridor back home.

The traffic was very light in the afternoon and we were able to go two circles around "The Lady". We were back at KDMW by 4pm. It was a great fathers day, but the icing on the cake was my brothers reaction when my Dad told him that our plans for the day was to fly to Block Island. Is response was - "Well....that's going to be hard to compete with!".



Last Modified: June 24, 2024