[February 6, 2016]

Today I was hell bent on getting the ADS-B receiver installation completed and to go for a flight. I made some doublers for the antennas and primed them. I used the hangar kerosene heater to speed up the process.

Boom! ADS-B antenna installed. Looks pretty good too!

Close up of the doubler.

I screwed the airplane back together and pulled her out on the taxiway in front of the hangar. I went to go start her and the battery was nearly dead. I must of drained it pretty good when I was doing all of the ground testing of the ADS-B transceiver. After an hour on the 2 amp trickle charger, she came to life. Check out the alternator current as it charges the battery - 47 A!

The airplane flew like a dream. It's been a little over a month since I was last up. It's hard to believe we had 2-3' of snow 2 weeks ago. It's nearly all melted.

For whatever reason, the GRT EFIS did not like the output from the ADS-B receiver. My Serial 2 input is set up for 115,200 baud rate, and ADS-B as the Input type.

However, the GRT EFIS is not able to parse any of the output.

Yup, it's not happy.

According to Bill Moffet from NavWorx, the "Display Type" should be set to "Traffic Alerts (WingX, IFly, MGL, AFT, GRT, Chelton, Essential Flight, SkyVision)" for the GRT EFIS to see the data. Also, he said the 115,200 serial baud rate is preferred. He said the 57,600bps rate would work, but don't go lower than that because the port will become overrun from too much data.

The NavWorx unit doesn't seem to be sending any valid data out to the EFIS. Bill said the "AL" counter indicates the # of traffic messages/second being sent, and UL indicated the # of weather messages/second being sent to the EFIS. I was in the "Traffic Sim" mode which should of simulated 16 targets in my general vicinity. I need to make some calls this week to get this sorted out.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024