[May 27, 2014]

I have quite the morning at work calling numerous vendors. The first was Sky-Tec to see what their repair policy was on the starter. They indicated it would be no more than $200, plus shipping. We will see how this one plays out. I am fully convinced the starter has been lackluster from day one, and its slowness in spinning the flywheel caused the kickback which broke it.

Next was to find the starter strap which connects the starter to the alternator bracket. The strap I had already didn't work with the B&C starter. I called up Plane Power to see if they had different straps, which they didn't. I tried B&C - they did have different straps, but none of them would fit. Everything seemed to agree I needed to fabricate something up. I also learned this strap is more of a benefit to the alternator support than the support of the starter.

I attempted to bend the Plane Power strap straight with the weak vice I had int he hangar. I didn't have a whole lot of success. I have a much bigger vice at home, so I will get her done there.

I think this will work out very nicely when it's all said and done.

I spend entirely too much time under the panel permanently mounting the Garmin GDL-39 ADS-B receiver. I am very happy it is in because working under the panel is next to my least favorite thing.

Speaking of my least favorite thing - here is is. Filling and sanding. I applied two layer of filler tonight. It's coming out nice, but it is a LOT of work.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024