[May 26, 2014]

I installed the new/used starter today and have it a try. To be honest I had no idea if it would work at all. To my utter surprise, it worked FLAWLESSLY! In fact, it worked better than I could ever of expected it to. I've never seen the prop spin so fast on my RV. The starter is also much quieter than the Sky-Tec. I am so thrilled right now.

The starter strap that was supplied with the Plane Power alternator (P/N 10-1002) is too long to be used with the B&C starter. I don't see a suitable off the shelf strap to use here, so I might try to see if I can modify this one.

I spent a goo amount of time filling and sanding the wheel pants with Rage Gold. Very iterative and not a whole lot of fun.

It's slowly taking shape. You can see some of the temporary countersunk screws I have installed. I am excited to see how the finished product will look!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024