[November 12, 2012]

A bunch of my college friends were getting together in Chicago over Veterans day weekend. I had Monday off and a comp day owed to me so I decided to take the trip via the RV. My original plan was to fly out to Cleveland, pick up a friend, then fly out of Chicago and land at Shaumberg, near where a friend of mine works.

The original plan didn't pan out due to a front passing through the area. The forecasted winds were going to be high in Chicago. Also, I needed to decide where I would rather be stuck at. Being stuck in Chicago meant limited methods for getting back home and then back out to chicago. Being stuck in Cleveland meant I could get a cheap Southwest flight home or rent a car and only have a 6 hour drive. So the decision was made to fly out to Cleveland's Lorain County Airport (LPR), meet my friend and drive out to Chicago.

It was an OK flight out to Cleveland. There was a haze over the area and the visibility was 5 miles or so for the last half of the trip. However, the RV was performing perfectly. Here I am clipping along at 158 kts true (181 MPH) burning 8.2 GPH -- that's 22 MPG! Not too shabby.

I passed the 100 hour mark on the way out. I parked my airplane outside at LPR for $10/night and was on my way to Chicago.

I was originally trying to leave Cleveland on Monday (Veterans day), however, weather had me stay an extra day. It was windy and rainy all day Monday. I could of escaped early in the morning and beat the storm, but decided to play it safe.

The flight home on Tuesday was very uneventful. I passed over a town to the west of Pittsburgh where I saw this large barge being pushed up a river. I am amazed at the precision the tug boat driver needs to have to navigate such a large barge up a river.

It was very nice up at altitude. The flight from Pittsburgh to KDMW wasn't all that fun. I only had 1,000' between me and the mountains due to cloud coverage, and it was quite bumpy due to high surface winds.

I made it back home right after the rain stopped. My timing was right on! I secured the RV in the hangar and wen to work. Not bad timing -- left Cleveland at 8:30a, land at 10:30a and to work by 11:30a! What a time machine!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024