[April 23, 2011]

I know it has been a number of weeks since my last update on this site. The main issue has been the hosting company for my site has had me on a dirt slow server. So slow it was pretty much impossible for me to update my log. However, for $3/month, I can't really complain. Turns out they fixed their issues and the site was fast again.

The outside temps have gotten hotter again and I noticed the oil temps were creeping up on the last flight. I yanked the cowl and removed the blocking plate from the oil cooler.

I decided to fly down to Bay Bridge airport (W29) today. This would be my first flight out of my Phase 1 area. I really like flying around the Chesapeake Bay. It is really scenic. I forgot my camera today so I needed to use my cell phone camera. It took interesting pics of my propeller!

Oil temps are high - around 180, right where they are supposed to be. CHT's are all in a good range around 320 degrees.

Flying over Havre de Grace, MD. The Susquehanna river is below, merging into the Chesapeake Bay.

Looking North at the Northeast River. At the end of the river is the town of Northeast, MD. They have a great steak restaurant there called Steak and Main. I believe it was featured on Man vs Food.

Georgetown, MD near the end of the Sassafras River.

Chester River.

Looking east towards Baltimore from the Eastern Shore of MD. This pic turned out really great.

I did a touch and go at W29, which was interesting. The runway 11-29 is more of less east and west. The wind was pretty strong from the south at 10-15 kts. The approach to this airport parallels the Bay Bridge over the Chesapeake Bay. On final the turbulence was pretty intense and it didn't smooth out until the wheels were right over the runway. As soon as I touched down I could feel the wind push the rudder, causing me to swerve slightly to the right. I quickly corrected for it with the rudder and got the tail on the ground. Next I raised the flaps the applied power, departing back into the air. One of my more intense landings, but I need to get over my fear of crosswinds.

Once I was flying back to DMW, I listened to the weather and there was a nice 15 kts crosswind there now! I nailed the landing and called it a day. Great first flight out of the Phase I area.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024