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[November 29, 2010]

Tonight I finished up the Reiff sump pre-heater installation. Don't pay any attention to all the metal scraps in the middle of the pic. Thats just there to hold the wires close to the sump for the red RTV to dry.

I used some High Temp red RTV to secure the wires to the sump.

Here is my routing of the power cable. I tied it to the engine mounts using a silicon wrap to keep it from rotating.

And here is the plug, conveinently located by the oil door on the cowl.

Finally I installed the ground wire to the sump. After I took this pic I realized I probably shouldn't of attached it to a powder coated piece of metal. However, I am getting good a good ground, as verified by my voltmeter. I need to wait for the RTV to dry until I put the cowl back on and call this job done.

Today I also ordered a GSM Remote control from which will allow me to turn on the sump heater via a text message. It uses pre-paid SIM cards which run about $10 every 3 months. I will give a full report on this device when I get it installed and configured. But it sounds perfect for being able to pre-heat from home!

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024