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[November 3, 2010]

Yesterday I was planning on going to the hangar and working on reshaping the cowl there. However, it is not getting down into the 30's at night, and it was quite chilly in the hangar. I decided it was better for me, and the project, for me to take the lower cowl home to work on it in heat and comfort. Not to mention I would get the job done a lot quicker.

In order to fix the issue I was having with the cowl rubbing the spinner, I decided to cut part of the cowl flange off and re-epoxy it on, offset down about 1/8". With my handy dremel tool I sliced off part of the flange.

I then used a heat gun to slightly reshape it.

Finally I laid up 3 layers of fiberglass to hold it in. It still will need some filling and sanding, but hopefully I will be able to bang that out tomorrow and over the weekend.

On a side note, I received my new auxiliary battery today (right). I ordered a PowerSonic, but they shipped me an "equivalent" one. The Sigmas battery did in fact have the same qualities the PowerSonic did. Same size too. Me thinks they are the same battery, branded differently.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024