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[August 27, 2010]

These next few days don't really have a whole lot of pictures to them. I was so busy getting the RV ready for the inspection I didn't have a chance to document all the little steps I needed to go through. In addition, over the next three days I logged about 11.5 hours in a RV-7 dual getting my transition training (insurance said I needed 15 hours Dual). So its been an intense few days.

When I got to the hangar today I noticed my Goop adhesive didn't really hold up all that well. Sagging gap seal on the right lower empennage fairing.

Same deal on the left side. I did reglue it after I trimmed it down, but the Goop isn't holding that well to the rubber channel. ** I did read that using 3M Super Weatherstrip Adhesive, Yellow (available at ACS and auto parts stores) is the way to go when gluing rubber to aluminum. I will try this later **

Tomorrow I am getting my prop dynamically balanced. The guy doing the balancing said it was important for the prop track to be within a 1/16". I needed to track the prop anyways, so this was perfect timing.

Booyah. Perfect track. Less than 1/64" between the blades

For the balancing I also need the spinner on, since the balancing takes into account everything that rotates.

Finally tonight I installed the ELT antenna under the empennage fairing. I ran out to the store and bought some D cell batteries to install into the ELT and test everything out. After a little wiring issue, the ELT checked out just fine.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024