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[August 18, 2010]

I have a pitot/static/transponder test tomorrow morning at the FBO. I figured I *could* push it over there, but wouldn't it be better to taxi it over there??? So I tossed on the plenum and cowling and fired up the engine, for the second time. At 1000 RPM I got a feel for how the airplane steers. In no time I was unlocking the tailwheel and doing quick turns. I taxied to the end of the hangars and turned around. I increased my RPM's to 1700 and applied the brakes in order to go between 5-10 mph. This was to break in the brakes, per the Cleveland instructions. After I was finished with the 1500' taxi, I shut her down and put her back in the hangar for the brakes to cool off.

The rubber channel dried to the lower empennage fairing so I screwed it onto the fuselage.

I made a quick device to keep the oil door open to make the engine cool off quicker out of some scrap piano hinge. Great night! Engine ran great, CHT's were reasonable, and oil temp was low! Gotta love it!

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024