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[February 8, 2009]

Finally some decent weather out - in the 50's all weekend. Instead of working on the RV, I took a last minute ski trip. Had a blast, and I am ready to work on the RV more now than ever. Could of been to the slopes much faster in the RV rather than the 6 hour drive! Tonight I figured out the placement of the SafeAir1 firewall pass-thru's for wires. I ended up using two - one on the left and right of the firewall. It took a little time to get the placement just right so there wouldn't be any interference (with say removing the battery). Here is the left side.

And the right side. These were a real pain to install. Making a 1 1/8" hole in stainless isn't any fun. In fact, making any holes in stainless sucks. I think these should be the last!

Here is a shot of the inside to show you my alignment. The left side is an exact mirror.

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Last Modified: June 24, 2024