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[February 4, 2009]

I received a couple of orders today. The first round was from Spruce. Other than small items such as adel clamps, I received a Falcon altimeter - ALT20INF-3N - 3 pointer, no warning window, inches of mercury. Its significantly heavier than the 2 1/4" single arm altimeter, but it is 100% better quality. I am happy with it.

I also received my 9 Amp-Hour backup auxiliary battery. This battery will power the Grand Rapids EFIS's along with the Garmin 430. The idea is if my main battery and alternator crap out, this battery will give me everything I need to get down. This is a PowerSonic PS-1290. It is one of the lighter weight 9AH batteries out there (6 lbs) and had a great operating temperature range (-4 to 122 F). It was about $30 (way cheaper than the Dynon and AFS lithium battery backups).

From Mouser I received two Schottky diodes. If you don't know, Diodes are like check valves. They let current travel in one direction, but not the other. They are used to isolate busses. For example, I want my main bus to charge my aux battery, but if the main bus dies, I don't want the aux battery powering the main bus. So a diode can be used. A schottky diode is a special sort of diode that has minimal voltage drop across is. Normal diodes have a 0.75 and higher voltage drop (it depends on the current passing through it). This particular schottky diode (IXYS 45V 2X59A, about $21.09 at This is actually two diodes per chip. This isn't the only Schottky in town for this application. Perihelion Design sells a little better diode, but you need to isolate it. This IXYS diode doesn't need to be electrically isolated from the heat sink.

In my Aircraft Spruce order I had a bunch of Adel clamps. I braved the cold garage for a little to install the 4 clamps to hold the manifold pressure (top tube) and oil pressure (bottom tube) to the firewall.

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Last Modified: June 24, 2024