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[January 8, 2009]

A couple of weeks ago I tested out these pin insertion tubes. It is pretty tough to get the pins in, but I still have some work to do on the hinges. It will work eventually. One thing that happened is I put enough pressure on the hinge pin trying to insert it that it pulled out of the firewall and bent downward inside the fuselage. I didn't like that! So after that, I decided it was a good idea to secure the front of the 3/16" tubing. The only place I could figure to do so was on the angle for the firewall. This was a major PITA to install. Access is non-existant. Getting the adel clamp closed, the spacer washers in, and the washer and nut on involved every ounce of my patience. However, it was completed with little blood and a lot of swearing. The other side took no time!

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Last Modified: June 24, 2024