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[December 4, 2008]

I decided to work on the fiberglass fairing a little to get it finished. I got a fair bit of the rough sanding out the the way tonight.

here is a closer look. You can see a low spot in the lower middle portion of the pic. There is still a lot to be done, but I did get the basic shape more or less there. Since this is in the cold garage, I don't want to use the slow hardener I have from West Systems -- it warns it may not cure correctly in colder environments. I have a new gallon/quart set of the quick 205 hardener that I will crack open once the slow stuff is gone -- and it should be finished up soon on the work I am doing to the FAB.

I tried a bunch of PVC fittings to make a sanding block with the proper diameter. In the end, I settled on my trusty rubber sanding block that ironically had a great radius to it for this fairing.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024