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[November 25, 2008]

So, I have the issues of having a round intake into the square hole of the Van's baffle. So I need some round to square adapter to get this working. I looked online to see if there was anything premade, but I needed to have a 5 3/4" diameter of the circle. So, after coming up dry, I decided I could make a 5 3/4" outer-diameter cylinder out of something around the house. What I ended up finding was a cooler that I padded with paper towels to get the estimated inner diameter. Then I put s bunch of packing tape over the paper towel to keep the glass from sticking. Finally, I put (2) 3' x 6" strips of fiberglass cloth over the mess. I don't know if this is enough glass to do what I want, but its a start. I brought all of this inside because the cold garage is not a good environment for epoxy (especially slow cure) to cure.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024