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[October 21, 2008]

I noticed the epoxy "shrunk" a little today when I checked out how it cured from last nights application. It was also a little on the chunky side, probably from how thick the flox was mixed in. Tonight I put another layer of flox on, this time it was a little thinner than last nights application.

Next I took some 1" and 2" wide tapes of fiberglass tape and cut it into 18" long strips that were 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" and 1 3/4". The reason they were 18" is that is how wide my cutting mat is (purchased from fabric store). Using a "pizza wheel" material cutter, a 24" steel rule and the measurements on the cutting mat made cutting these strips a no brainer. In the end, 7 total layers are recommended. I only have 6 here because the last layer is supposed to be 2" wide (which I have tape already that width), and I think I want to make that layer one continuous strip around the whole fairing. If I don't go that route, it's easy enough to cut that into 18" strips.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024