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[September 22, 2008]

I was away this past weekend sailing around CT, NY and RI. What an awesome weekend. All sun and wind. Nothing like sailing in the fall. Today I spent a good amount of time finishing up the edges of the canopy. Until now, the edges weren't rounded off and they weren't polished - I think I only used 240 grit sandpaper. I used 60 grit sandpaper to round all the edges and then went through a number of iterations to smooth the edges. I started at 60, then 100, then 240, 300, 600 and then 1500. Finally, I have some Novus plastic polish (From Aircraft Spruce) that I used to finish it up. I am 90% happy with the results tonight. There are still some places that need some extra attention before I will be fully content.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024