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[September 15, 2008]

I think I am finally getting back into the grove of this project! Feels great to be making progress instead of staring at it! Tonight I painted the aft canopy frame as well as the side skirts. Its been FOREVER since I have painted. Just like riding a bike....

Next was to rivet in the two missing rivets on the canopy skin. These were missing because I needed spacers under them. One issue here is the CS4-4 1/8" countersunk head blind rivets weren't long enough to go through the spacers and the tubing underneath. I couldn't find a CS4-5 or CS4-6, so I went shopping for a suitable replacement on Spruce. I found Cherry Max CR3212-4-5 and CR3212-4-6 rivets. They were VERY pricey, but they did fit the bill perfectly. I needed one of each length per side.

Finally I riveted together the frame. It felt really good to get back riveting.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024