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[June 25, 2008]

When I got home I broke out the paint and painted the canopy skin and the reinforcement braces. Once all that was dry (it took no time to dry - 85 and 50% humidity) I clecoed the skin onto the frame. One of my concerns was the CS4-4 flush blind rivets not holding onto the tubing that I countersunk. When I countersunk the tubing, I noticed the hole for larger -- large enough the #30 clecoes wouldn't hold to it. Well, all that worrying was for nothing because the blind rivet held just fine.

I spent some good time riveting together the canopy and the brace. Most rivets were pretty easy to buck, but there were a handful that gave a fit. Glad this is done...time to move onto the next thing!

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024