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[May 7, 2008]

I took the two C-725 stud mounts and drilled the top and bottom holes to a #25 and the middle hole to a F. I only drilled the outer holes to a #25 so I could backdrill the WD-716 using the C-725 as a drill guide and not have to worry about any drill wobble blowing my hole to tape if I went right for #21. Anyways, I tapped the inner hole to a 5/16 x 18 and test fit the ball stud bolt.

Next I backdrilled the WD-716 using the C-725 as the guide.

Once the canopy frame was drilled, I drilled the two outer holes in the C-725 to #21 and tapped them to 10-32.

Here is the block bolted into place.

I used some AN3-4A scrap bolts to hold it in Fits great.

Next I fabbed up the C-728 and C-729 mounts and spacers. That little scrap at the bottom is ALL THAT'S LEFT after trimming what Van's gives ya. Make sure you saw carefully so you don't have to order extra!

After some holes and some aluminum sculpting, the two C-728's came out nicely.

OK, to put on those above parts, I needed to get the canopy frame off the fuselage. However, first I needed to take care of 4 rivets per side to hold the top skin down on the back sides. I drilled four holes where the WD-716 and WD-725 come together.

I then backdrilled the skin with the holes. I now have all the holes drilled in the C-702 skin and can work on finishing that off. Like I said the other night, this canopy keeps on dragging ON AND ON!

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024