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[April 23, 2008]

Tough to see in this pic, but I put a line around the perimeter of the aft skin and then marked the first hole 2" from the front edge of it.

I needed to mark 14 evenly spaced 2.5" holes along the bend. I had a hard time with a ruler doing this, so I took a piece of masking tape and put it along the line I drew.

I marked the center.

And I marked the end.

It was simple now to lay out the drilling pattern.

The top-most screw isn't perfectly evenly spaced with the rest. I centered it between the two sides.

With the masking tape back on the plane, I transfered the marks back onto the aft skin.

Next I marked the rollbar for the holes. I am so beat tonight it isn't worth drilling these holes. But, the hard part is over -- layout of holes always sucks! At least tomorrow I get more-or-less of a free ride.

Notice: Undefined variable: categoryid in /Websites/ on line 160

Last Modified: October 5, 2024