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[February 19, 2008]

This canopy frame is really frustrating to work on. I find myself taking a lot of breaks, which isn't good for shop productivity. Anyways, tonight I got out of the way laying out some pilot holes. These are the C-613's that join the canopy frame to the side rails.

I also layed out the C-704. This is used to join the F-631A channels together. The dark blue circle indicated where the tooling hole on the channels is. If you drill the pattern using Van's instructions, the hole above the mark will overlap. I moved the hole up about 1/4" to alleviate any interference.

It took me a while to figure out what the instructions meant about squeezing a bend in the WD-716's. After looking at some other builders logs, however, it made sense, There is a sharp bent on the aft side of the WD-716, so squeezing it with a hand squeezer made the curve much more gentle.

Finally I layed out the rivet pattern on the aft of the WD-725 side rails.

I put the side rails back on the fuse and noticed a little interference where the arrow is. See, the angle on the back of the side rail is bent to match the F-631A channel. However, the bend doesn't go all the way to the bottom of the angle (it really can't). Therefore, the channel can't match the angle completely. Some people chop the bottom of the frame off. I think I am going to file the angle down to match the rest of the bent portion.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024