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[February 13, 2008]

My transponder showed up today -- Garmin GTX-327. I got a great deal on it that I couldn't pass up. My avionics stack is now complete!

I got the bright idea of using a ratcheting tie down strap to hold down the canopy skin. It really did a nice job. I should of done this from the getgo.

With the canopy frame in its final position, I enlarged the #40 holes in the C-614 to #30's.

Next I deburred the central forward section of the canopy frame -- basically where I am going to rivet and wont have a chance to debur the edges later. Once that was done, I countersunk the front #30 holes to accept AN426AD4-? rivets. You gotta countersink in suicide mode (cageless) because the cage would interfere with the hinge brackets.

I also countersunk the holes that join with the C-614.

I spot primed the overlapping parts and riveted the hinge brackets to the canopy frame.

Next I was about to rivet the center section together when I noticed there was a little play in how this will end up.

To be sure, I got a tape measure out to see that I wasn't crazy.

In its most compressed state, the max width of the canopy frame is 40 11/16" wide.

And in its most expanded state, it is 40 13/16" wide. Bascially, it can flex 1/8". This could be enough to make the skins not match up with the forward skin of the fuselage. I need to figure something out.

I thought I could use the no-hole yoke and squeeze the rivets in place with the canopy frame on the fuselage. However, the yoke interfered with the center subpanel. This is when I called it a night. Thinking about it now, I think I may just clamp the hell out of it here, remove it, then rivet it. I was thinking I could measure the width, but the F-745-R rib is in the way. I will sleep on it and see what I come up with tomorrow.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024