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[July 16, 2007]

I am still waiting for a mess of parts from Van's. I ordered them a week ago, but my credit card didn't get charged until last Friday. I think I might be lucky to get the parts by this weekend.

I drilled all of the F-796 hardware to the fuselage. The two spacers between the angle and the flange on the F-902 bulkhead. Now this is not as simple as it sounds. The 0.032" spacer (goes against the flange of the F-902) needed to be trimmed 1/16" to fit the radius of the F-902 flange to web. The 0.063" spacer needed to be trimmed 1/32". The top of the F-796B needed to be trimmed to fit also. Now, the instructions tell you to drill one of the holes in the F-796B and backdrill the others. The problem with this is the centerline Van's has you draw will in no way line up with the prepunched holes because the angle interferes with the web of the F-902 bulkhead. So, all I did was hold the F-796B against the F-902 with my hand, hold the predrilled F-796C,D in place with some 3/32" rivets (you can't used clecoes to keep the holes lined up) and then drill. In the end, it worked really well.

Here is another shot head on. Up top a #10 flush screw gets mounted. I didn't drill this yet because I want to wait until the floor is on. The bottom hole (bottom in the pic, top on the fuse) gets drilled as a #30 now, but it will get enlarged to a #12 later on - I imagine when the wings get mounted to the fuselage this will get drilled. The edge distance kinda sucks on the short angle here, but I don't think thats a big deal. The bolt will have plenty of edge distance on the auxiliary longeron which is where most of the force will be transitioned to. Also, There is no way to make it better -- its not like I can move the angle closer to the F-902 bulkhead.

Finally, I started on the brake pedals. The pedals have a lot of nasty burrs on them. I am glad I had a dremel with a sanding wheel to get in all of the lightening holes. I fabricated 4 angles for the pedals before I called it a night.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024