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[July 12, 2007]

First on tonights attack list was drilling the F-684 gusset to the angle on the firewall. I drilled some #40 holes in the gusset where the plans tell you the #30 holes need to go. I figured if some edge distances looked iffy, I could walk the #30 hole over a little. Anyways, I pealed back the side skin to allow access for the 90 degree drill adapter to get in there. You can see the three stubby #40 clecoes in there. This is the first time I have needed the stubby's, and I am glad I had them. It helps to be a tool junky sometimes.

Next was onto enlarging the hole for the rudder cable in the F-902 bulkhead. You also have notch the aft flange of this to prevent interference. The sanding drum in the dremel made this easy.

Next I fitted the F-7101 gear attach web to the right side. The instructions say it needs to mate flat with the F-902 bulkhead, and adjust accordingly. Well, as you can see, I have a nice gap here. I could but it up here, but then the #30 holes in the aft end of this web wouldn't line up.

My solution was to make a spacer on the forward side. I made it out of the 0.063" F-684 gusset I messed up on the left side. The fit looks great now. I checked out the left side and the fit looks like it won't need a spacer. I kinda wish Van's didn't put the #30 holes on the web of this, so I wouldn't need a hefty spacer, but oh well.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024