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[March 6, 2007]

Another night with lots of work with nothing to show. I started out by match drilling the aileron stiffeners, then deburred, devinyled and dimpled everything. Each stiffener has 7 holes, and there are 36 stiffeners. Lots of work. Then I had some fun with back riveting these suckets on. The most aft rivet was a pain, and I needed to use my head (physically) to hold the skin back.

In no time, both ailerons skins had stiffeners attached. Man, I love the way backriveting turns out rivets. Nice and flush.

Next I bent the left aileron trailing edge in my bending brake. No tricks, just like the elevators. Van's is nice enough to give you a 1:1 template on the plans to match the skin up to.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024