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[November 18, 2005]

Today I wanted to get some materials to build my workbench with. I had heard from Tom Emery that he had an 'EAA Standard 1000 workbench'. After a quick google search, I found plans for it (

Also today I got some goodies in the mail. Avery Tools shipped me two boxes with the RV builders kit and Aircraft Spruce with 3 boxes of chemicals.

Finally, I hadn't heard anything from Vans about the status of the empennage kit. For as much money as they are getting out of me, a courtesy call/email would of really been nice. Even some sort of tracking system would be better than nothing. I check my credit card and saw that it was billed to it. I called up Barbara and she was able to let me know that the empennage was shipping today and what my Van's customer # was. If the empennage ships today, it's about a business 5 day journey (according to FedEx.com_ from Oregon to Maryland. Put Thanksgiving in the middle of that and 5 business days from now is Nov 29th. Barbara said that 3 days is likely, which would put me at getting it the day before thanksgiving. Either way, no biggie...I still have to wait for the DRDT-2 dimpler to get here before I can do any dimpling.

This is my 24"" x 60"" frame. I have 5 2x4's evenly spaced across to provide support for the table top. Notice the 2"" overhang of the table.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024