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[November 11, 2005]

I saw there was a Mid-Atlantic RV Flyers fly-in this Sunday at Coatesville, PA (40N). I sent out a request to see if I could bum a ride from someone in the area (when I say request, I mean beg!). In 1 hour and 5 mins later, Robert Saltsman offered me a ride there in his -8! I called him up and we are going up this Sunday for my long awaited demo flight. Things are really starting to move along.

Today has definitely been a big day. On top of finally getting a demo arranged, I had a awesome day flying around in my clubs 172. I went from KMTN to KANP and picked up my long time friend (and mentor) Rich. We scooted over the bay to Cambridge, MD (KCGE). Good flight, and CGE has a great new FBO. On the way back, I dropped Rich off and headed back to MTN. I was cleared for the approach, but about 2 miles out, my COM/NAV1 radio's LED's started blinking. I quickly tried to put towers freq into my 300XL, but that one went on the fritz next. It didnt take me long to figure out that I was out of electricity. Took about 2 secs to see that the alternator's circuit breaker had tripped. Although, on my eye's path over to the circuit breakers, I saw both fuel gauges on 'E' and the ammeter on a slight tilt to the left. I know this is probably not that big of deal to the seasoned pilot, but this is the first time anything had ever malfunctioned in my few years flying. I was pretty happy with how quickly I fixed the issue. I popped the circuit breaker back in and called martin tower when I was on short final to get my 'cleared for landing' call. Now, I do occationally check out my ammeter to check for an indicated drain, but not as much as I should. The ameter is rated for +- 60 amp! The left deflection was so minor that I don't think I would catch it unless I had electrical related failures. I can see now that a drain annunciator light would of really helped out.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024