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[November 7, 2022]

When I was installing the GSA28 servo my friend who is forever building an RV-8 asked if I was going to wire in the trim control the to GSA28 servo. The size of the job of installing this was already monumental, so I said nope, I don't need auto trim! Well, after a few flights, I realized it would be really awesome to have auto trim control. So tonight I went and wired it up. I used the GSA 28 3rd party Trim Motor Control document on how to wire it up. The trim wire goes right past the GSA28 trim servo, I just needed to tap into the control wires (white ones) and feed them into the servo.

I added some extension jumpers and labeled them TRIM2SERVO and TRIM2STICK to make sure I had the direction of the signals correct.

Here is how it is wired in - really simple.

The last thing I did was enable the trim control in the G5. There is the servo direction which I don't quite know how to calibrate yet. This was a pretty simple - I am excited to fly with auto trim to see how it performs!

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024