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[October 7, 2006]

I could of been working on the plane all day today, but I had a nice 5 HP 60 gallon compressor that was just sitting disconnected in the corner of the garage. I figured it was time to finish up the shop with the compressor and electric. First thing I did was secure the compressor into the garage floor. Sounds easy, but it took me forever to get the compressor just right so I could tie into my air piping systems.

I am using the TransAir aluminum piping system for my shop. This stuff is pricy, but it is very very easy to install and it will last forever. I originally was going with a PVC or blackpipe/galvalized pipe, but both of them had their problems. PVC while cheap and easy to install, can explode if pressurized and the pipe is hit. There is a grade of PVC that can be used for compressed air (I think it is called Schedule 80), but that didn't appeal to me. Galvalized pipe solved the safety problem, but it is a pain to install and thread. With the TransAir system, my dad and I installed the whole system in less than 2 hours.

I also ran 2 12 gauge runs from the subpanel in my garage to the compressor and some outlets on the wall of the my workbench. My garage was very electrically challanged when I moved in. I had a quad outlet box on my back wall and a double on the wall opposite of the workbench. I plan to have 2 quad outlet boxes on the workbench wall and worry about the rest of the garage later.

Whats up with the shop? Yeah, it got destroyed between mounting the compressor, running electric and putting in the air pipe plumbing.

I mounted the compressor on some wood to keep the steel legs off of the ground. I also put a piece of thick rubber (cut doormat) under the wood for vibration isolation. The compressor manual recommended it to keep the vibration of the compressor from undoing the lag bolts in the concrete. I like it also because it keeps the wood off the the ground. When the compressor drains, I don't have to worry about cleaning up the puddle.

Off of the compressor I have a coalescing air filter that automatically drains water. $20 on ebay. Overkill yes. The 12" vertical silver piece on the right is a isolation pipe to keep the vibrations from the compressor from reaching the air piping. It basically allows the compressor to shake and do its thing without busting my pipe off the wall.

This is a T fitting for the TransAir piping system. To put in a drop, you put the 3/4" main line in a jig and drill a hole on the top of it. Then you put a special fitting on that takes the air from the top of the pipe and routes it to the 1/2" drop. The theary behind this is that water will be at the bottom of the pipe, so you get nice clean air from the top. I have to say that the TransAir piping system rocks the house. Way super easy to install.

This is what the output looks like - 1/2" female with a stopper in it. This is going to need modification to work with the filter/regulator/oiler, but another night.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024