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[October 2, 2022]

There was a slight interference issue with the TruTrak roll servo mounting bracket and the GSA 28 servo. Garmin was nice enough to even point this out in their manual.

Some filing and dremeling make this super easy.

The bracket that attaches from the top of the bellcrank mount to the top of the servo needed to be slightly modified. It needed to be slightly re-bent to accommodate the different physical characteristics of the GSA 28 servo. I added a 1.5" spacer. All of this works GREAT when tightened down! SOLID AS A ROCK!

The AN3-22A bolt pictured here is just for testing the mount - it is clearly too long. I have a AN3-20A bolt on order which should be the perfect length.

I spent a good 2 hours figuring out how best to make CAN bus daisy chain connections. My friend who's building an RV-8 showed me his technique using solder sleeves. I didn't like that for a couple of reasons - 1) I didn't trust the low melting point solder in the solder sleeve. Call me old school, but I like getting the soldering iron on the metal I want to melt the solder on. I just feel like it will make a much more solid connection. I've had cold solder joint issues in the past the the solder sleeves just scream that will be an issue. Also, the solder sleeves take up a lot of room. Using a traditional soldering gun and some heatshrink tubing gave me a really short distance, and I can use the strain relief mechanisms of the connector housing to secure the shielded wire insulation. My friend says it takes too much time compared to his method - and he may be right - but I only have 4-5 of these connections to make. I know I can totally trust these!

Boom! Wiring completed for the roll servo. Just waiting for an AN3-20A bolt from Spruce and I can call this side DONE!

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024