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My hangar neighbor turned me onto using a 1" EMT knockout seal to make an easy hole to fill the tires with air without removing the wheelpants. the diameter hole needed for a 1" EMT knockout seal is 1 3/8", so I marked where the valve stem would be centered and added a hole to the front wheel pants. And here it is with the knockout seal in place. These are available at Home Depot or Lowes for about a buck or two. I was a little disappointed with the fit - it is very loose in the hole. I will have to figure out something to keep it tighter as it doesn't have a whole lot to grip onto with just the thin wheelpants fiberglass. My upper intersection fairings have been getting loser and loser in the front, and I think it is contributing to some drag. So I added a nutplate to the inside of the cowling. Wow, the intersection fairing is much tighter against the cowling, and the hardware is still concealed. So I looked for a while for tubing that had a 1 3/8" inner diameter for the EMT knockout cover to fit against. A 1" PVC coupler is 1.25" ID, so I drilled it out with a 1 3/8" hole saw. I sliced the PVC coupler to 3/8" thick. The EMT punchout cover only needs about 1/4" of material to grab onto. Finally tonight I fiber-glassed the PVC to the inside of the wheelpants. I have high hopes for this working well for me! Notice: Undefined variable: categoryid in /Websites/rvplane.com/public_html/main.php on line 160
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Last Modified: October 5, 2024 |