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[May 15, 2022]

If this picture doesn't perfectly illustrate the process of going through an annual on an RV, I don't know what does. Crazy part is, as much disarray as this picture seems to indicate, I could easily have everything back together and have her in flying condition in about an hour.

I must of never got the memo that the Fly EFII FF-2 fuel filter isn't all that great or recommended. I never had an issue with my Airflow Performance filter, and I still had it on my back shelf from when I removed the AFP pump. In my mind the AFP filter was just so much larger than the Fly EFII filter, it would be a lot of plumbing to get it sorted out. However, when compared side-to-side, there is only 1/4" of difference in length. Hopefully my plumbing can be shifted around enough to accommodate.

the AFP filter just barely fit. I think I like the fit, but I will have to sleep on it to see if there is a better way.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024