Notice: Undefined variable: categoryid in /Websites/ on line 45
[November 8, 2005]

I told myself that I wasn't going to put any money towards this project until I was completely commited. After my daily browsing of, I found that Yahoo! Small Business had a limited sale on domains for $2.99/year. This is the cheapest by far, I have seen domains names for sale. So, total investment for the domain name for 3 years is $8.97. I have also been working on my web page for documenting this project. I want something that is really easy to manage so I can spend time building instead of documenting. I also want the ability to be able to present my log online to users, but also in a report format for printing out and archiving. So, naturally, I have been building a SQL database to hold all my data. I know it is a bit of overkill, but it will really automate everything, as well as give me flexibility. I am using PHP as my script engine. I never really used it much before, but it is very flexible and portable. I wanted to use a script engine that was platform portable in case I ever move my web page to something else. PHP was more friendly to this than jsp or asp (for me, I know that some of you may have opinions that differ).

Notice: Undefined variable: categoryid in /Websites/ on line 160

Last Modified: October 5, 2024