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[November 26, 2017]

My trusty old 3G cell phone activated hangar heater switch decided to not work this year when I bought a new pay-as-you-go SIM card from T-Mobile. After some research, it appears as if T-Mobile is decommissioning a lot of their 3G service and only supporting the 4G network. I bought a KiaoTime GSM-RELAY-US4G control relay box off of Amazon for $115 shipped. This board is quite the upgrade from the previous one. 7 relays instead of 2 (I still just need one!), A nifty optional USB-based programming tool (saves # of text messages you have to send the device), and better LED indication of its network status.

I was able to easily mount it in my old box and wire it up to existing outlets.

Here's a screenshot of the Windows application used to configure it. While not necessary, it's a lot easier than sending the device a bunch of cryptic text messages to set the configuration.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024