Notice: Undefined variable: categoryid in /Websites/rvplane.com/public_html/main.php on line 45
I re-epoxied the spacer back to my wheelpants the other day. Today I added washers to all of the screws that hold on my wheelpants. I don't know why I didn't do this before. I wanted to make sure my CHT #2 sensor was really bad and it wasn't my cylinder, so I brought my camping stove to the hangar and boiled some water. Sure enough, my CHT probe was reading low. The water should of been around 200 degrees, and the CHT probe was registering 161 degrees. Not pictured, I also replaced my fuel flow sensor with a new one I bought. The old one is going back to be replaced under warranty and will be a spare. Notice: Undefined variable: categoryid in /Websites/rvplane.com/public_html/main.php on line 160
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Last Modified: October 5, 2024 |