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[March 19, 2017]

Ever since I have installed the Garmin GTN-650, I have had some random noise interference with the AeroLED NAV lights breaking the squelch. Dean from AeroLED was nice enough to send me some ferrite chokes to try to fix the issue.

I was able to isolate the noise to be coming from the NAV lights and not the strobe lights. Installing the chokes made a slight improvement, but adding a 22uF capacitor between the nav power and the ground gave me better results.

With the capacitor in the mix, the squelch was no longer breaking when transmissions weren't occurring. However, when someone was transmitting (KDMW AWOS - 121.25), I could hear some slight noise. I will test fly it this week to see if it is noticeable in flight.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024