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[October 18, 2015]

I had no plans of flying this weekend, but on Friday afternoon Captain John sends out a group text seeing who wants to go to the Chapin Field fly-in in NY. It was a quick 1.5 hour trip up, and it was a great reason to get out and check out the turning leaves.

There was a broken layer at about 4,500', so I stayed low at 3,500' -- better views down here anyways.

It was chilly up at altitude - 36 degrees.

The camera didn't do the color of the trees justice in North-east PA.

I turned north towards Chapin when I crossed the Hudson river.

The temps are dropping slightly - down to freezing.

The tree colors up in NY were great too.

Chapin field had a very nice fly-in with a wonderfully smooth grass runway. I met up with Captain John here and we made decisions on where to go next.

How's this for a snow plow truck!

CJ twisted my arm to come back to Plymouth with him.

CJ snapped this great pic of my RV up at 11,500'

The RV was chilly at altitude - 7 degrees OAT, and the inside cabin temp wasn't much above 40 degrees.

We did have a nice tailwind, and we were chugging across the ground at 180 kts burning 6.5 gph.

Crossing over the home of the Patriots - Gillette Stadium.

CJ, his passenger Mike and CJ's dog Wyatt helped me tie down for the night.

We soaked a few suds with the usual suspects in Plymouth.

The next morning we flew up to Cranland for their last flyin of the season - it was about a 5 minutes flight from KPYM. After some lunch we saw our friend Billy was at the hangar working on his beautiful RV-6.

The elusive Billy Baroo! Billy craftsmanship on his RV-6 is top notch.

We stopped by the local beer store to pick up some beers to take home.

Loading up the precious cargo.

I was pondering going high over NYC for the trip home, but because of needing a fuel stop at KSNC, I stayed down at 4,500'.

There were some spotty snow and rain showers around the area.

11 kts on the nose is what I had for pretty much the whole trip home.

Crossing back over the Hudson.

PA had larger rain cells over her. I needed to divert a good amount to make it around them.

Back home in about 2 hours, I found I had a nice gift waiting for me on my workbench. This is the sort of Budweiser I don't mind receiving! Thanks, Peter!

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024