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[July 14, 2015]

Quick night on the project tonight using filler. First I sanded the fiberglass layup I did last night. While it was thin, I probably spent a good 30 minutes sanding everything just right. Not too much, not too little. Once it was sanded, I applied some Rage Gold lightweight filler. I decided to do two very thin coats. Unfortunately, I ran out of time tonight and was only able to get one of them done. Maybe tomorrow before work I'll sneak another thin layer on.

When it comes to fillers, there's two camps - put on too much and sand a lot, or put on many thin layers. With many thin layers, the sanding is a lot less, and I think the outcome is much better, but it does take a lot more time.

While I was at it, I also filled the back of the vertical stabilized tip. It had about a 1/16" void in it, waiting to be filled with the Rage.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024