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[July 10, 2015]

I had a fairly productive evening in the hangar tonight. First I removed most of the bugs off of the leading edge of the wings. They were pretty caked on there.

My friend John D'Amico turned me onto Meguiar's Quik Detailer to remove bugs. It is simply AMAZING. Works great on cleaning the canopy of bugs also. This is my new GO-TO.

NAPA had 7220 primer on sale for $6.99 a can - usually this stuff is over $10/can. I'm thinking about giving my cowling a new coat to make her pretty for Oshkosh.

Now the bad news -- the oil drip continues.

I determined the best thing to do would be remove the oil filter, inspect it, and re-install it. In the process of removing the safety wire, I did a good job of adding a new hole to my middle finger. The oil filter and gasket all looked fine. I re-lubed the gasket with oil and reinstalled it. What I think could of happened is there were a bunch of people in my hangar when I was doing my oil change. There is a slight chance I could of forgotten to put a thin layer of oil on the gasket before I installed it, which could of caused a leak.

I was thinking about the best way to fix my alternative air door situation. I came up with this 1" long by 3/8" bracket with (2) #12 holes in it.

I also shortened a AN3-3A bolt by about 3/16" and put a #40 hole in it.

This bracket attaches to the end of the cable, with the cable feeding through the #40 hole in the bolt.

Here is the final product. I think there were two possible reasons the old solution broke over and over again. The first reason is the control wire is fairly brittle when bent, so when I bent it to wrap around the bolt, it could of introduced a stress point. The other thing that could of occurred is there was a fair amount of play in how the cable was wrapped around the bolt, causing the possibility for the cable to vibrate excessively. This solution hopefully solves both of the above. Oh, it was free to boot! Fingers crossed....

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024