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[December 5, 2014]

It's common knowledge around my office that I have a plane and will use any excuse to fly it. The president of our Australian division was in town and over dinner and drinks one night this week, my airplane came up. When I offered him a ride, he immediately took me up on it. The timing couldn't of been better - we both agreed to skip out on work early and go flying somewhere for lunch. I can't say no to the President. Here is Michael getting psyched for his first flight in my RV!

The destination for the day was Bay Bridge Airport (W29). It's a great destination for a quick flight, and there is a fantastic restaurant within about a 20 minute walk (Hemingway's). The view is quite spectacular.

The menu at Hemingway's has a number of great food choices. My favorite is the Mahi fish taco's.

My friend Michael did a majority of the flying. He quickly got the hang of flying the RV and did a great job at it!

An action shot of proof that he was actually doing the flying.

Great day flying!

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Last Modified: September 21, 2024