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[November 11, 2014]

I was due for a BFR, and as luck would have it, my neighbor is a CFII. He is a helicopter pilot based out of KMTN, and asked me to fly over there to meet up with him. The hangar I walked through to get to his office housed a couple of local news helicopters.

The BFR went quite well and I am good for another two years. My neighbor was quite surprised by the performance of the RV-7. After a normal takeoff and some tight turns, the next statement out of his mouth was " much did this thing cost to build??" The RV love is so easy to spread!

Fast forward a day, and I was back at the airport. This time to take up my girlfriend for her first ride in the RV. She was apprehensive at first, but quickly enjoyed the ride. Note to self - 60 degree banks with someone new to flying isn't a good idea! It's going to be hard to break the habit of yanking and banking the RV!

Fast forward a couple of more days and the weather in the area is still outstanding and my RV needed an oil change badly. I few over to Clearview airport (2W2) to pick up a filter and a case of oil.

Clearview is a diamond in the rough. The parts shop is well stocked and a great local resource.

I switches from Aeroshell multiweight to Phillips X/C 20W-50 upon the recommendation of a few fellow pilots.

I can't emphasize enough how great of a day it was out!

There are a few airplanes on the field that have seen better days....

I couldn't just make the quick trip to Clearview and back without tearing up the skies a little. A low pass over the local reservoir was in order.

This has to be one of my favorite runs in the area. Desolate and scenic, with some great turns in the reservoir.

My oil temps were perfect for an oil change.

Somehow I messed up the clean part of the oil change. I don't feel like going into the details of what caused this, but let's just say hindsight is 20/20.

I was happy with the lack of a mess with the filter removal. Extremely minimal mess with removing the filter.

The examination of the filter revealed only two small pieces of metal. One of the cleanest inspections I've done yet.

My container of waste oil was nearly full, so it was time to transport it to the local dump. The Home Depot bucket's lid was heavily cracked and it didn't seem to seal all that well. I added some safely wire to secure the lid, and it helped out tremendously with my worry of any oil spilling in the trunk of my car.

I received an email a few days back asking how well the traffic worked on the Garmin Pilot App in the Map mode. I never considered using this before, so I turned it on. It was fairly simple to do.

I also made sure the Opacity of the traffic was turned up so it wouldn't be hidden.

Wow, how cool! Traffic galore! What a cool feature. This pic was taken on my way from KDMW to 2W2.

After I picked up my oil, however, I didn't get any traffic whatsoever! Nothing, nadda, zip. Even when I put the app into Traffic mode, it didn't show anything. I don't know if this is an issue with the app, the GDL-39 or something else. I will have to do some more trails to see why I am not receiving any traffic. I doubt it's user error, since it just worked not too long ago. Perhaps the ADS-B receiver wasn't on long enough to receive traffic? The Pilot App is still somewhat buggy, so maybe a new version will fix this? More time is needed..

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Last Modified: September 21, 2024