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[July 6, 2014]

My old high school friend Art messaged me about a week ago wanting to check out my airplane. We decided to get together today and do a flight around the area. Here we are blasting off from Gettysburg Airport (W05) and overflying his house.

We shot down to Ocean City, MD and did a pass up the coast.

Flew by Dover AFB.

Did a few loops and rolls. Art loved 'em!

We passed by the Salem Nuclear Power Plans off of the Delaware River. Nothing too noteworthy about this plant, except in the early 90's it was shut down for nearly 2 years due to multiple maintenance issues.

Passing over the C&D Canal, which links the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware River.

Art and I having a blast!

We grabbed dinner at Chester County Airport (KMQS).

The flight home was just perfect. It was a great day to be flying!

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Last Modified: September 21, 2024