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[June 20, 2014]

Today was just perfect for flying. The winds were non-existent, and skies were as blue as could be. I gave my cousin a buzz to see what her and her kids were up to and before I knew it we had a plan. Ride #1 was to my niece Isabel. She had a great time!

Ride #2 to my nephew Gabriel.

Unfortunately I needed to cut the rides short today. On my second ride I noticed mu EFIS complaining about low voltage. I noticed the alternator circuit breaker was tripped. Resetting it didn't make any difference - it tripped again immediately. The strange thing is it also tripped when on the ground without the engine running.

So I think my Plane Power alternator is fried. I don't know if the new battery had anything to do with it, or the fact I had a terrible time starting the airplane today during a hot start. I feel like I really depleted the battery, causing a major outrush of current from the alternator. I was able to score a free used Van's internally regulated used alternator from my friend Steve (RV-9 builder). I will pop that sucker in and see what happens tomorrow. The new joke at the airport is I am building a 2nd airplane with borrowed parts - in the past month I have needed to borrow both an alternator and starter. Perhaps next month I'll score an IO-360 - then I'll be well on my way to my second airplane!

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Last Modified: September 21, 2024