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[June 18, 2014]

I have become a little paranoid that the original Odyssey PC680 battery I bought back in 2008/2009 might be slowly dying. I don't have any empirical evidence of it, but just a hunch and a worry every time I start the airplane and I perceive the propeller spinning slower under the power of the starter. had the best price on the battery - $110 including free 2-day shipping. I ended up getting it overnight! It was a piece of cake to swap out the battery. Way easier than I was expecting.

It was a hot one today. My oil temp was 96 degrees before I started the engine.

It was extremely hazy out, but welcome to summer time in MD. We have thus far lucked out in having amazingly clear skies.

Over the last few months I have been having an extremely hard time hearing passengers talk to me and also transmissions from ATC and other aircraft. I thought my audio panel might be going haywire, or I might be going deaf. To try a simple fix, I replaced the in-ear plugs for my Quiet Technologies Halo headsets. Wow, did that ever make a HUGE difference. It was like flying a new airplane. The cabin was much quieter, and I could crisply hear everything being transmitted. It's like a new airplane! I don't know why I didn't think to do this sooner. I did have a few spares. On their website, they are only $1.50 a pair. I am just thankful I am not losing my hearing!

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Last Modified: June 24, 2024