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[February 23, 2014]

I didn't know quite where to fly today. The weather was wonderful (warm and low winds). I didn't have any destination picked out, but it was too nice to stay on the ground. I decided a low run up the Potomac river was the way to go. Unfortunately because I was low, I didn't take any pictures of the run up it, but it was just awesome hugging all of the windy turns. I did a touch and go at Potomac Airpark in Hancock, MD and then decided to check out the local ski slope - Whitetail.

Cruising north to Chambersburg, PA. The weather east is great.

Not so much looking West...

After I did a touch and go at Chambersburg, I flew over to Gettysburg, PA. Here is the town.

I believe this is one of the many battlegrounds.

This is an impressive pile of snow at the airport! I suppose the airport needed to get creative on where to put all of this white stuff.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024