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I re-assembled the electric fuel pump and did a pressure test. No leaks! I didn't bother to put on any of the covers since I am going to do an annual in the next few weeks. The first pressurization gave me a high reading of 34 PSI. I depressurized the system and tried again. This time a consistent 25 PSI. Looks like the simple fix worked! I have been running into the issue to stripping out the phillips head screws on some of the more frequently removed parts. I decided to replace all of the phillips screws with stainless steel torx (6-lobe) screws. I purchased the countersunk screws (100 degree) from http://www.microfasteners.com and the pan head screws I found for a bargain on Ebay.com via http://www.AlbanyCountyFasteners.com. Both companies have been great to deal with and I got the parts in less than 2 days. The AlbanyCountyFasteners.com site offered a nice 10% off coupon in their shipment. I bought this flex adapter for my cordless screwdriver. It worked extremely well. A good $4 spent at Harbor Freight! These are the only Torx head screws I installed today. What a pleasure it was compared the the phillips head. I needed to put 10 gallons of gas back in the tanks that I drained the other day. I really hate new gas cans. I defeated the safety mechanism with a simple clamp and piece of wood. I went for a quick flight to test out my fuel pressure fix. My damn oil temp sensor still isn't working right. It reads as an open circuit until the oil temps get up to around 140 degrees. I also tested my GoPro Hero3 Silver installation. I recorded 2.5 Gigabytes worth of data on a 25 minute flight. Once I edit it up, I will get it on this log entry. Here is a taste of what my GoPro Hero3 Silver camera angle looks like. I am thrilled with the view and the quality. I do have some vibrations in the video, but I have an idea how to modify the mounting bracket to reduce and hopefully eliminate it. And the video from the flight! Notice: Undefined variable: categoryid in /Websites/rvplane.com/public_html/main.php on line 160
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Last Modified: October 5, 2024 |