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[December 1, 2012]

I spent 1/2 the day at the hangar helping my friend Peter work on his Van's RV training project. Peter is in the process of purchasing a RV-8 tailkit and wanted to get a head start on the building process. Sport Air offers classes locally at Frederick (KFDK), however, they stopped offering the RV intro class. The RV training project Peter had was not pre-punched, so it was a great learning experience for me too. It really make me appreciate the fact that my kit was pre-punched! It was a great day at the hangar.

When I got home, I disassembled the fuel pressure valve.

The regulator is really easy to disassemble - it simply unscrews. Here are the internal parts in order of how they are installed.

The O-Ring looked beat up. It had some ridges on it and was generally worn out.

Luckily Home Depot's famous aviation aisle carried replacement O-Rings. #8 O-Rings were the perfect replacement. I put it all back together and will hopefully run it out to the hangar tomorrow to install and test.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024