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[October 6, 2012]

It has probably been over 2 years since I have last used the Rage Gold filler. It was quite difficult getting the can open today. In fact, I could barely get it to budge. I ended up destroying the can and transferred the contents to the only glass jar I had in the hangar. It's definitely time for some new filler, but I think I can make this last long enough to finish the intersection fairings!

I decided on only using one attachment point for my upper intersection fairings. I've seen some RV's that have about 6 screws holding them on and it doesn't look all that great. I've taken great strides to reduce the number of visible screws, so I took a lot of time to get these fairings looking good and attached with minimal hardware.

On the other side of this hole is a #6 nutplate, attached with two pop rivets. No one was around the airport today to help me run solid rivets, so I went pop. It was a lot of climbing in and out of the fuselage to get them installed!

I slathered on some Rage Gold and went a few iterations of sanding them down today. Slowly they are getting to their final shapes.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024